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The Importance of Having Gun Safe

It’s kind of hard to understand why anyone in this day and age would not keep their firearms locked up in a gun safe. Unfortunately, too many gun accidents happen each year in the USA and many other countries too. Having your firearms properly locked away in a gun safe just helps eliminate the possibility of so many things going wrong because of unauthorized access to firearms. In this article, we will go over some of the main reasons why it’s so important to have your guns stored in a gun safe when not being used.

The #1 Reason to Own a Gun Safe

By far the number one reason to own a gun safe is safety. You do not want your handgun or rifles to end up in the wrong hands. This is especially true if you have young children living with you or that visit you often. The figures are staggering when it comes to accidental shootings at home.

Accidental gunshot wounds are one of the leading killers each year of young children. It’s estimated that children getting unauthorized access to firearms account for some 1,300 needless deaths of young kids each year. Over 5000 more kids are injured and survive. Think of how many of these deaths could have been prevented with a simple and inexpensive gun safe.

The potential is there for much more catastrophes too. Surveys that were taken estimate that there are more than 1.5 million children under the age of 18 living in homes that have unlocked and loaded firearms in them.

Other Good Reasons to Own a Gun Safe

Here are some other very good reasons to own a gun safe:

  • Safety of adults

    Statistics show that children are not the only ones that are subject to injury or death from unauthorized access to firearms. It happens to adults in many cases too. So even if you have no children at home it still makes sense to keep your firearms locked up in an approved gun safe.

  • It’s required by law in many states

    There are some states that require you to own a gun safe if you have a registered firearm in that state. These include such states as Massachusetts and many others that have pending or about to be introduced legislation. The penalties for failure to comply with these laws can be substantial.

  • Guns are a high theft item

    There are some things that thieves consider high-value items during a burglary and one of them is firearms. They are very easy to sell on secondary and black markets. Having your firearms out in the open instead of a safe pretty much guarantees they will not be there after your home is burglarized. Thieves do not tend to take much time when burglarizing a home, so chances are they will not even bother taking the time to try and open your gun safe.

  • Peace of mind

    Having your firearms stored in an approved gun safe will give you great peace of mind too. You won’t have to worry about young children or others easily gaining access to your handguns, rifles, and ammunition. Gun safes are also a big deterrent against gun theft and other curiosity seekers.

  • Gun safe access is quicker than ever before

    One of the biggest excuses people have for not owning a gun safe is they may need quick access to their firearms for their safety. That should no longer be a concern for anyone. Most of today’s gun safes are no longer equipped with key or combination locks. This is especially true for gun safes that are made for handguns.

    Many gun safes today are equipped with advanced biometric locking systems. With a simple scan of your fingerprints, you can have access to your stored weapon in just a few short seconds. If you need less time than that to fend off an intruder you probably were not going to get to your gun even if it was not stored in a safe.

  • Gun protection

    Depending on the quality of the gun safe it can protect your firearms from many different things besides theft and unauthorized access too. Chief among them are fire and flooding. A gun safe can also help collector grade firearms maintain their value by protecting them from exposure to moisture, dust and other potentially harmful environmental conditions.

  • Insurance premium discounts

    These days many insurance companies offer a discount to firearm owners that also own a gun safe. It’s never a bad idea to try and save a few dollars wherever you can.

There is no good reason not to own a gun safe

Nowadays there really is not a good reason to not own a gun safe. That’s because they come in all qualities and price ranges. So whether you own a single handgun or a variety of hunting rifles, you can easily find a gun safe that fits your needs and your budget. So we encourage you to take the time to find a proper gun safe for your firearms if you don’t already own one.

Gun safe installation and maintenance is simple

Most gun safes can be installed very easily. It takes just a few screws or bolts to secure them they cannot be moved without going to some time-consuming and painstaking effort. Bigger gun safes often come with free or reasonable priced delivery from the supplier too. Some gun safes are even so light they can be taken with you to the range or to store your gun safely in your vehicle too.

Keeping your gun safe locks working properly is not a big problem either. Locksmith service companies such as North Atlanta Locksmith out of North Atlanta, GA offer a variety of gun safe maintenance services at reasonable prices. A locksmith can repair any type of lock you have on your gun safe including advanced biometric locks. They can also change your lock combination or open your gun safe after its lock has proven to be faulty.